End - определение. Что такое End
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Что (кто) такое End - определение

Endings; Ending; END; End (disambiguation); ENDS; User:Emir Habul/sandbox2; The Ending; Ending (disambiguation); Ends
Найдено результатов: 1997
1) to put an end to smt.
2) at the end (at the end of the word)
3) by the end (by the end of the year)
4) to the end (to the bitter end)
outer part
5) the opposite end
6) from end to end; from the beginning to the end
7) to accomplish, achieve one's ends
8) to be on the receiving end ('to be a recipient'); to make both ends meet ('to manage to get along on one's income'); to the ends of the earth ('to the most remote parts of the earth'); in the end ('finally')
1) (d; intr., tr.) to end by (he ended his remarks by quoting Lincoln)
2) (d; intr.) to end in (the word ends in a consonant; to end in a draw; to end in disaster)
3) (D; intr., tr.) to end with (we ended our meal with a nice dessert)
I. n.
Extremity, extreme point.
Close, cessation, period, expiration, finale, finis, last, fall of the curtain.
Conclusion, completion.
Termination, bound, limit.
Final state, ultimate condition.
Result, event, consequence, sequel, upshot, (final) issue.
Fragment, scrap, remnant.
Aim, purpose, object, design, drift, bearing, intent, intention, view, final cause.
II. v. a.
Terminate, conclude, finish, close, put an end to, bring to an end, make an end of, cut short, wind up.
Destroy, kill, put to death.
III. v. n.
Conclude, terminate, cease, be finished, come to an end, come to a close, wind up.
Close, conclude a discourse, cease speaking.
·vt To Destroy; to put to death.
II. End ·noun One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet.
III. End ·vt To form or be at the end of; as, the letter k ends the word back.
IV. End ·noun That which is left; a remnant; a fragment; a scrap; as, odds and ends.
V. End ·noun Termination of being; death; destruction; extermination; also, cause of death or destruction.
VI. End ·noun Point beyond which no procession can be made; conclusion; issue; result, whether successful or otherwise; conclusive event; consequence.
VII. End ·noun The object aimed at in any effort considered as the close and effect of exertion; ppurpose; intention; aim; as, to labor for private or public ends.
VIII. End ·vt To bring to an end or conclusion; to Finish; to Close; to Terminate; as, to end a speech.
IX. End ·vi To come to the ultimate point; to be finished; to come to a close; to Cease; to Terminate; as, a voyage ends; life ends; winter ends.
X. End ·noun The extreme or last point or part of any material thing considered lengthwise (the extremity of breadth being side); hence, extremity, in general; the concluding part; termination; close; limit; as, the end of a field, line, pole, road; the end of a year, of a discourse; put an end to pain;
- opposed to beginning, when used of anything having a first part.
(ends, ending, ended)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
The end of something such as a period of time, an event, a book, or a film is the last part of it or the final point in it.
The ?5 banknote was first issued at the end of the 18th century...
The report is expected by the end of the year...
You will have the chance to ask questions at the end.
N-SING: the N, usu prep N, N of n
When a situation, process, or activity ends, or when something or someone ends it, it reaches its final point and stops.
The meeting quickly ended and Steve and I left the room...
Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting...
VERB: V, V n
The ending of a marriage by death is different in many ways from an ending occasioned by divorce.
N-SING: usu the N of n
An end to something or the end of it is the act or result of stopping it so that it does not continue any longer.
The French government today called for an end to the violence...
I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end...
Francis fined him two weeks' wages and said: 'That's the end of the matter.'
N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N to/of n
If you say that someone or something ends a period of time in a particular way, you are indicating what the final situation was like. You can also say that a period of time ends in a particular way.
The markets ended the week on a quiet note...
The evening ended with a dramatic display of fireworks.
VERB: V n prep/adv, V prep, also V n by -ing, V n -ing
If a period of time ends, it reaches its final point.
Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends...
The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.
If something such as a book, speech, or performance ends with a particular thing or the writer or performer ends it with that thing, its final part consists of the thing mentioned.
His statement ended with the words: 'Pray for me.'...
The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii...
Dawkins ends his discussion with a call for liberation...
The memo ends: 'Please give this matter your most urgent attention.'
VERB: V with/on n, V with/on n, V n with/on n, V with quote
If a situation or event ends in a particular way, it has that particular result.
The incident could have ended in tragedy...
Our conversations ended with him saying he would try to be more understanding...
Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange.
VERB: V in n, V with n -ing, V adv/adj
The two ends of something long and narrow are the two points or parts of it that are furthest away from each other.
The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel...
A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.
N-COUNT: with supp
The end of a long, narrow object such as a finger or a pencil is the tip or smallest edge of it, usually the part that is furthest away from you.
He tapped the ends of his fingers together...
She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.
= tip
N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n
If an object ends with or in a particular thing, it has that thing on its tip or point, or as its last part.
It has three pairs of legs, each ending in a large claw.
VERB: V with/in n
A journey, road, or river that ends at a particular place stops there and goes no further.
The road ended at a T-junction...
VERB: V prep/adv, also V
End is used to refer to either of the two extreme points of a scale, or of something that you are considering as a scale.
At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village's only merchant...
The agreement has been criticised by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum.
N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n
The other end is one of two places that are connected because people are communicating with each other by telephone or writing, or are travelling from one place to the other.
When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the other end...
Make sure to meet them at the other end.
N-COUNT: supp N
If you refer to a particular end of a project or piece of work, you mean a part or aspect of it, for example a part of it that is done by a particular person or in a particular place. (SPOKEN)
You take care of your end, kid, I'll take care of mine...
N-COUNT: usu sing, usu supp N
An end is the purpose for which something is done or towards which you are working.
The police force is being manipulated for political ends...
Now the government is trying another policy designed to achieve the same end.
N-COUNT: usu supp N
If you say that something ends at a particular point, you mean that it is applied or exists up to that point, and no further.
Helen is also 25 and from Birmingham, but the similarity ends there...
VERB: V adv/prep
You can refer to someone's death as their end, especially when you are talking about the way that they died or might die. (LITERARY)
Soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent end.
N-COUNT: usu sing, usu supp N
If you end by doing something or end in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.
They ended by making themselves miserable...
They'll probably end back on the streets.
VERB: V by -ing, V adv/prep
If someone ends it all, they kill themselves.
He grew suicidal, thinking up ways to end it all.
PHRASE: V inflects
If you describe something as, for example, the deal to end all deals or the film to end all films, you mean that it is very important or successful, and that compared to it all other deals or films seem second-rate.
It was going to be a party to end all parties.
If something is at an end, it has finished and will not continue.
The recession is definitely at an end.
PHRASE: v-link PHR
If something comes to an end, it stops.
The cold war came to an end.
PHRASE: V inflects
You say at the end of the day when you are talking about what happens after a long series of events or what appears to be the case after you have considered the relevant facts. (INFORMAL)
At the end of the day it's up to the Germans to decide...
PHRASE: PHR with cl
If you are thrown in at the deep end, you are put in a completely new situation without any help or preparation. If you jump in at the deep end, you go into a completely new situation without any help or preparation. (mainly BRIT)
It's a superb job. You get thrown in at the deep end and it's all down to you...
PHRASE: V inflects
You say in the end when you are saying what is the final result of a series of events, or what is your final conclusion after considering all the relevant facts.
I toyed with the idea of calling the police, but in the end I didn't...
PHRASE: PHR with cl
If you consider something to be an end in itself, you do it because it seems desirable and not because it is likely to lead to something else.
While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.
PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
If you find it difficult to make ends meet, you can only just manage financially because you hardly have enough money for the things you need.
With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.
PHRASE: make inflects
No end means a lot. (INFORMAL)
Teachers inform me that Tracey's behaviour has improved no end.
PHRASE: PHR after v, oft PHR of n
When something happens for hours, days, weeks, or years on end, it happens continuously and without stopping for the amount of time that is mentioned.
He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hours on end...
Something that is on end is upright, instead of in its normal or natural position, for example lying down, flat, or on its longest side.
PHRASE: PHR after v
To put an end to something means to cause it to stop.
Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.
PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n
If a process or person has reached the end of the road, they are unable to progress any further.
Given the results of the vote, is this the end of the road for the hardliners in Congress?
PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR for n
If you say that something bad is not the end of the world, you are trying to stop yourself or someone else being so upset by it, by suggesting that it is not the worst thing that could happen.
Obviously I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.
PHRASE: V inflects, oft it v-link PHR if
the end of your tether: see tether
to burn the candle at both ends: see candle
to make your hair stand on end: see hair
a means to an end: see means
to be on the receiving end: see receive
to get the wrong end of the stick: see stick
to be at your wits' end: see wit
¦ noun
1. the final part of something.
the stopping of a state or situation: they called for an end to violence.
a person's death or downfall.
2. the furthest or most extreme part of something.
either of two places linked by a telephone call, letter, or journey.
a part or share of an activity: your end of the deal.
the part of a sports field or court defended by one team or player.
3. a small piece that is left after use: a cigarette end.
4. a goal or desired result.
5. Bowls & Curling a session of play in one particular direction across the playing area.
6. American Football a lineman positioned nearest the sideline.
¦ verb come or bring to an end; stop or finish.
at the end of the day Brit. informal when everything is taken into consideration.
be the end informal be the limit of what one can tolerate.
end it all commit suicide.
the end of the road (or line) the point beyond which progress or survival cannot continue.
be at the end of one's tether (or N. Amer. rope) have no patience or energy left.
end on situated on or viewed from the end.
end to end in a row with the ends touching or close together.
get (or have) one's end away Brit. vulgar slang have sex.
in the end eventually.
keep (or hold) one's end up Brit. informal perform well in a challenging situation.
make (both) ends meet earn just enough money to live on.
never (or not) hear the end of be continually reminded of.
no end informal very much.
no end of informal a vast number or amount of.
on end
1. without stopping.
2. upright.
the sharp end informal the most challenging and risky part of an activity.
a -- to end all --s informal the most impressive or successful of its kind: a party to end all parties.
endmost adjective
OE ende (n.), endian (v.), of Gmc origin.
You can refer to the last part of a book, story, play, or film as the ending, especially when you are considering the way that the story ends.
The film has a Hollywood happy ending.
N-COUNT: oft supp N
The ending of a word is the last part of it.
...common word endings, like 'ing' in walking.
N-COUNT: with supp
see also end
, nerve ending
I got no ends until Monday.
¦ noun an end or final participle
?the final part of a word, constituting a grammatical inflection or formative element.
1) a happy; sad; surprise ending (to have a happy ending)
2) (grammar) a feminine; grammatical; inflectional; masculine; neuter ending
·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of End.
II. Ending ·noun Termination; concluding part; result; conclusion; destruction; death.
III. Ending ·noun The final syllable or letter of a word; the part joined to the stem. ·see 3d Case, 5.



End, END, Ending, or variation, may refer to: The final dimension or world in the popular game; “Minecraft” in which you are able to acquire late-game items such as “elytra”, “shulker boxes”, and even powerful armors, inside of End Cities. The End is also home to the game’s final boss: “The Ender Dragon”. Which you can find at the main island.